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11/16/2007 Archived Entry: "Salemanca Market"

Some notes on Tassie.

The hotel room doesn't use the plastic card some many US hotels use now. They still use keys. However it is a really wierd shaped key. It looks like a U.

The oven temp is in centigrade. I mentioned that so I don't burn the kangaroo or lamb.

I got my rental hot wheels car. No problems driving on the left. The problem is I keep turning on the window wipers instead of the turn signal.

They don't make U turns at intersections. That is what the round abouts are for.

Since the water in Hobart comes off Mt. Wellington the water is very cold. They don't use ice in their drinks. They really don't need to.

My wife is now keeping a small bottle of ketchup in her purse. Here ketchup is Tomato Sauce.
Tomato Paste is what goes on Pasta.

Salemanca Market is awesome. This right now is also the middle of the political season for .au . There are all sorts of interesting political views in .au . Voting is complusary. You don't vote you get a fine. Now technically all you have to do is sign in at the polling station you don't actually have to vote. You can even mark your ballot in caryon to make sure your vote doesn't count. Elected officials must vote with their party. If they don't they are kicked out.
All this you can learn in the market while having one of 600 varieties of sausage or brawtwerst.

I have learned if you want the good spicey food go to the indian resturants. The curries are amazing. The younger generations prefer the spicey foods however many of the resturants still cater to an older crowd which eat like the older British do. The older British do not eat spiced foods.

I got to meet a friend, Nick. I have been chatting with Nick on the IRC for almost 7 years. Nick was the person who helped my first switch to FreeBSD and away from windoze. It was a great time to meet Nick and his girlfriend Laura.

I ran into a few beekeepers in Salemanca Market. Not one had less than 200 hives. Great people across the board. Most of the hives are way the hell out there. There honies are very thick. They have some amazing tastes. They also crystalize very quickly. I slipped in a few plugs for beemaster.com.

Last night Janel and I went to something called Fashion Fantasia. A fashion show of wearable art. A great show. The outfits were all custom and avante garde.
They won't let you take photos so I don't have any from the event.

More photos for you to enjoy.


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